We are always looking for passionate volunteers to join our team! If you are interested in applying for our board, please send your resume and a motivation statement to [email protected].

Current Position Openings

Volunteer Board Position, Treasurer

Current Position Openings

Peace Corps Response Volunteer

Pathways Togo is seeking a Peace Corps Response Volunteer to serve in the role of Media and Communications Support Specialist for a 12 month term with scheduled departure of September 2024! This is an awesome opportunity to serve and have an international adventure! Many of our board members are Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and will tell you that it is an absolutely life-changing experience that enriched their lives. Let us know if you have any questions or would like for us to connect you with our Peace Corps Response Volunteer from last year. Email us at [email protected]

More information on how to apply:


Project Description

Pathways Togo, a local NGO in Atakpamé, the main city of the Plateaux Region of Togo has requested the support of a Peace Corps Response Volunteer (PCRV) to serve as a Media and Communications Support Specialist. As Togo makes strides to promote more educational opportunities for girls and young women, this NGO specifically focuses on mentoring, coaching, and professional development. The PCRV will collaborate with Pathways Togo’s field administrators and program director to plan Pathways Togo’s media and communication strategic direction relevant to the contemporary world. To ensure continuity and sustainability, the PCRV will train, coach, and mentor Pathways Togo staff on diverse media and communication strategies that meet the needs of a multitude of donors.

Primary activities will be to develop a communications strategy incorporating diverse social media platforms for the 2024-2025 academic year, building the capacity of staff to update and manage communication platforms (website, Facebook, and Instagram), collaborate with staff to write and publish four quarterly newsletters and an annual report, and leverage monitoring and evaluation communication platforms metrics to publish impactful stories, presentations, pamphlets that increase Pathways Togo’s online visibility to external stakeholders.

Candidates selected for this position will be arriving in Togo together as a group, so while the departure dates for the whole group could change, dates cannot be changed for individual candidates.

Required Skills

• Bachelor’s degree in any relevant field
• Experience in communications or public relations
• Strong writing, editing, and proofreading skills using diverse communication platforms
• Experience with website design and maintenance
• Experience with management of social media accounts and understanding of metrics used to measure performance of online marketing (likes, follows, shares, click rates)
• Experience designing and implementation of communication strategy/plans
• Intermediate French language level
• High tolerance for ambiguity and high level of flexibility